Happy Independence Day from Pump Products! It’s more than just a classic 90s scifi action movie starring legendary actors Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum. It is also perhaps the most sacred and uniquely American of all holidays, a date that every child learns at an early age. It is a day to gather with family and friends and celebrate our freedom as a sovereign nation.

Inspector Pumphead is ready to light some fireworks

The date of course, celebrates the original thirteen colonies breaking away from Great Britain to form a new nation. Specifically, the date marks official congressional approval for the written Declaration of Independence which occurred at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Interestingly, independence was technically declared on July 2 of that year, while most of the actual signing took place on August 2, 1776.

As we know, conflict had been brewing long before the Continental Congress convened in the hot summer months of 1776.  The American Revolutionary War would not end until September of 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Nevertheless, July 4 is the date that has stuck in the cultural memory and the date that has become an important federal holiday.

Whatever the particular dates, Independence is a focal point of national pride and the fact that it takes place during the summer also associates the day with all manner of outdoor activities, such as cookouts, picnics, baseball games, parades and watching fireworks.


July 4 was immediately recognized as a seminal, earth-shaking moment. As early as 1777, celebrations were held to commemorate the anniversary of the Declaration. In Philadelphia, celebrations would be easily recognizable to a modern audience: a parade was held, fireworks were lit and food was plentiful.

Various types of celebrations were held over the years, but the day did not actually become a paid federal holiday until 1938.

Did You Know?

While the singers of the Declaration all have historical significance as “Founding Fathers” the only two signatories who would go on to become President were John Adams (in 1797) and Thomas Jefferson (in 1801).

The man who derives the most fame from the signing is probably John Hancock whose signature quite literally looms large on the page. Because of the obvious visibility of Hancock’s signature, “Sign your John Hancock” was for a time a popular colloquialism.

Traditions and Customs

As with any holiday, performing certain rituals is an important part of the observance. The practice allows people to fully immerse themselves in the holiday spirit and feel connected to the people of the past.

–Watching the fireworks
–Grilling outside
–Having a family reunion where your weird cousin fights with your drunk uncle
–Spontaneously singing the national anthem and/or “God Bless America”
–Shooting some British people with a musket (Just kidding! This is a joke. Pump Products is not liable if you decide to shoot a British person.)

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