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    Inspector Pumphead’s FAQs: The Difference Between Manual vs. Automatic Sewage P...

    August 14, 2017

    Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, I’m glad you could attend, come inside, come inside: it’s Inspector Pumphead’s Frequently Asked Questions! In this feature, I will be answering some of the most common questions we get on a specific topic. Some of this information may be available elsewhere on our site, but hopefully the FAQ category will act as a convenient one-stop source.  In this edition, I'll discuss the difference between manual and automatic pumps and give you a little information about our discounts. Q: What does it mean when you say a pump is ‘manual’ Does that mean I have to work the pump by hand A: Nope! It simply means that the pump has to be manually plugged in every time you want the pump to run. There is no mechanism to start the pump automatically. Conversely, automatic pumps feature a mechanism that will start the pump in certain conditions, typically a float switch. There are a variety of different types of switches, but probably the easiest way to help you visualize it is with a tethered switch. When the water level in a pit or basin rises, the tethered float will "swing" upward and activate the switch, which in turn activates the pump. Float switches can be purchased separately and attached to manual pumps. Q: Okay, quick followup: when is it better to have a manual pump or vice versa A: It's really just a matter of control: if you want to know exactly when your pump runs, how long it runs, how much water it pumps, etc. then you should buy a manual pump. If you'd rather just set up your pump system and let the amount of  water determine its operation, buy an automatic pump. Generally speaking, our application engineers recommend getting an automatic pump with a piggyback float - you can always detach the float and run the pump manually if you so desire. Keep in mind that manual pumps also need to be hardwired directly into a control panel. Pump Products application engineers are standing by to help you find the right pump, as well as to provide price quotes, stocking availability and shipping information. Call our toll free number 1-800-429-0800.
