HVAC and outdoor pumps Archives - PumpProducts.com
  • Inspector Pumphead’s Classroom: Training with Franklin Electric

    June 21, 2017

    Representatives from Franklin Electric swung by the Pump Products office on Tuesday, June 20 for a training session with the company application engineers, marketing team and administrative staff. The session was part of an ongoing effort to ensure that Pump Products employees have a thorough understanding of the pumps the company sells and to ensure that all employees can communicate those intricacies to customers. Proper pump sizing is the most critical function for any pump distributor. A customer should be able to rest easy knowing that he or she will receive the right pump for their specific application. The session focused specifically on the features, uses and benefits of Red Lion well pumps. Franklin recently acquired Red Lion and is positioning its wide range of pumps as a dominant force in the domestic pump market. Tim, a Franklin Electric sales manager specializing in HVAC and outdoor pumps, gave a thorough and detailed presentation on groundwater and the various types of well pumps, including shallow well, deep well and convertible. He also laid out the construction type and features of each type of pump. For instance, many models will include pipe packages and/or control panels. “The [Red Lion] pump packages are very convenient for homeowners because a lot of the necessary components come included with no additional purchase,” according to Tim. “It’s essentially ‘turn key’ operation.” Pump Products employees were free to ask questions, make suggestions and discuss the various options for each pump. It was a fruitful dialogue that will hopefully help all members of the Pump Products team help customers choose the best possible pump. The team was also able to broach the idea of a streamlined warranty process which could potentially save all parties time and money. “We’ve done a few of these training sessions and I think that this one might have been the most helpful,” according to applications engineer Nick. “It wasn’t just about how to push product but to actually think about the best way to inform customers.” “It was really interesting to learn about the different types of well pumps,” says videographer Mike. For more information on Red Lion well pumps or any other products, be sure to call and speak to one of our application engineers today at 1-800-429-0800. (Adverts for Little Giant and Red Lion)
