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  • How to Locate and Close the Main Water Shut Off Valve

    September 4, 2018

    There are a few things that you should absolutely know exactly where they are in case of an emergency. Things like mini bottles of hot sauce, deodorant, chocolate, and of course (perhaps most importantly of all) where the main water shutoff valve is located on your house. The main shutoff valve allows water to flow through your house when it’s open and cuts off the water supply to your entire house when it’s closed. If a pipe in your home leaks or bursts, it is essential to know where your main shut off valve is located instead of spending crucial time looking for it during an emergency. Turning your water off during an emergency can save you not only future headaches, but repair costs as well. Though the location can vary, shut off valves tend to be located outside homes that reside in warmer climates and commonly reside inside homes in colder climates. Valves located outside are usually near the water meter or can even be located near a garden hose. For valves located inside a home, they are most likely in a basement (near the water meter and other utilities) or in a crawl space. Shut off valves are typically found in two different styles:  gate valve or ball valve designs. Gate valves are more common in older homes. This design has a wheel that can be turned. To cut the water off, turn the wheel clockwise until it can’t be turned any further. If a gate valve has not been turned for a number of years however, it can give resistance and become difficult to turn. You can use a wrench in this case to help turn the valve. If the valve is difficult to turn even with a wrench, your gate valve may require stem repair. Ball valves are typically found in newer homes. This valve has a flat handle and is an especially dependable design. The valve is open when the handle is aligned with the pipe. To close the pipe, turn the handle counter clockwise for a quarter of a turn so that the lever is at a right angle to the pipe. This will cut the water off. After closing the valve, you should open the highest and lowest faucets in the home. This will allow the standing water in the plumbing to drain. Once the pipes are empty of water, they can be worked on without water spilling into your home. It may take some searching but knowing where your main shut off valve is located in your home is one of those underrated yet important things every homeowner should know.
